
You probably know by now that I LOVE the color purple…
I also LOVE “The Color Purple.”
I read this book by Alice Walker at age 11, shortly after reading Caged Bird by Maya Angelou and shortly before discovering The Bluest Eye. In them I found the beginnings of myself, my cannon of Literary mothers and the generative sisterhood among Black Womxn.
“Yeah Celie, everything wanna be loved.“
"When I think about what a hard rough way of living Celie was forced into and how Shug Avery came in to lighten and soften her world, it just reminds me of what women’s empowerment really means to me. I honor all the women who have come into my life, given me a new set of eyes to see life differently and softened my vision of life.”
#RP @unapologeticfeminity
Thank you for sharing this and for the reminder.

Video by movieclips.com
#womensempowerment #femaleempowerment
#womensdayeveryday #colorpurple #AliceWalker #celie #shugavery #unapologeticfemininity #divinefeminine #femininity